Pastor Kingsley Okonkwo ministering

Matthew 19 vs 2-10.
Marriage is a covenant. An understanding of marriage being a covenant, it will help the choices you make.

Malachi 2:13-14
Marriage is not a contract, it’s a covenant. Once you get to pick or see marriage as a contract, it is usually subject to abuse.

Covenant is between three people while contract is between two people.
Marriage Covenant is usually between the man, woman and God.

Love is important, but the most important of all is his or her submission to the third person in the covenant (God)

In a contract, when one person breaks their part of the bargain, you can call off the contract.

In a covenant, you have to uphold your end of the bargain wheather the other person is doing his/her part of the bargain or not

You can’t build or depend on the words of humans alone to get into marriage.

Words of humans are fickle because, life situations can make them change their words, attitude etc.


1In a contract, people seek to favor themselves. 
In a covenant, you seek to favor the other person

2. Proverbs 31:11
You enter a contract because, you don’t trust the other person.
You enter a covenant because you trust the other person.

3. Genesis 2:25

In a contract, there’s limited sharing, while in a covenant, the sharing is limitless.

This means that, nothing the man or woman has, belongs to him or her anymore. The both of them are now one.

In a covenant, you share both assets and liabilities.

It is risky submitting to a man who has not submitted to a higher authority.

Naturally, men are in position of authority but they need accountability to properly manage the authority they already have.

We believe you have been blessed by our first service for today, please stay tuned for second service.

Matthew 19vs3-10
It is important to note in verse 7, that it is “God” doing the joining not not man, nor the agreement the both of you have made.

In time to come, your words to each other might not count due to circumstances of life but, you keep up the end of your bargain because, of your pledge to God.

You cannot build your esteem on the words of man, except it is under the supervision of God.

It is what God joins together, that stands.

4. In a contract, it is signed by ink but in a covenant, it is signed by blood.

Sex, is one of the bonding instruments God has used to covenant marriage

5. In a contract, both parties are separate but, in a covenant, they’re joined as one.

6. In a covenant, you leave all others to be joined with one person but, in a contract, you can have multiple persons involved.

In a covenant where one of the parties defaults, he/she reports to the covenant enforcer/witness. (God)

In a contract, you report to the law enforcement agencies.

Although the law enforcement agency, can not know the intent of the heart, but God knows.